The following genealogy books are available to members of Genealogy-Books
Alabama Families. 9 pages. By Jeannette Holland Austin. Genealogies and family notes...Boyett of Chambers County, Butler of Blount County, Cleveland of Autauga County, Crenshaw of Blount County, Etheredge of Conecuh County, Garren of Jackson County, Gee of Lamar, McCorquodale, McMinn of Marshall County, New of Goliad County, Peavy and Walton.
Alabama Bible Records. 169 pages, By Jeannette Holland Austin. A Collection of 256 bible records of persons who lived in Alabama, collected from various sources, usually sent to me while a Professional Genealogist. See Table of ContentsArizona
Arizona Sketches by J. A. Munk.Georgia
Abstracts of Georgia Wills. 2500 pp. By Jeannette Holland Austin. Includes 6 volumes of about 2500 pages: VOL. 1:33,729 names. Baldwin,Banks, Butts, Camden, Campbell, Chatham, Chattahoochee, Clarke, Clayton, Columbia, Coweta, Dawson,DeKalb, Dodge, Dooly Counties. VOL. 2: Calhoun, Effingham, Elbert, Fayette, Fulton, Glynn, Greene and Gwinnett Counties. VOL. 3: 12,228 names, Habersham, Hancock, Harris, Jackson, Jefferson, Jones Counties. VOL. 4: 14,128 names. Laurens, Lee, Lincoln, Lumpkin, Madison, Marion, Milton, Monroe, Montgomery, Murray, Muscogee Counties. VOL. 5: 7,421 names. Oglethorpe, Paulding, Putnam, Sumter and Talbot Counties. VOL. 6:Spalding, Taliaferro and Wilkinson Counties.
An Historical Account of the Rise and Progess of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia by Alexander Stewart. 2 Volumes
Andersonville by John McElroy - Stories of the Prisoners
Atlanta City Directory, 1941, partial
Biographical Memorials of James Oglethorpe by Thaddeus Mason Harris
Brunswick City Directories, 1890, 1892
Camden County World War I Service Records (1917-1919), Army, Navy, Marines
Christ Church Parish (St. James Parish), St. Simons Island, Georgia - Frederica
Darien City Directory 1892
Gazatteer of Georgia 1888
Georgia Obituaries 1740-1935. 600 pp. By Jeannette Holland Austin. Abstracted the deaths from the earliest Georgia newspapers extant found stacked away in courthouse basements, public libraries, and on microfilm. The effort was to locate every existing newspaper record which survived. Everything included is of interest to genealogists � names, birth & death dates, place, parents, spouses�.all listed in alphabetical order. These 94 newspapers include north, central and south Georgia, which covers most of the State�s obituaries. Alphabetical.
Georgia Bible Records Supplement 1772-1940. 150 Bibles By Jeannette Holland Austin. 150 bibles records (6,098 names) Mostly, they came from folders at the Georgia States Archives, my own collection, etc. The owner's name and address is provided, where known. See Names
Historical Account of Georgia, 2 volumes
1883 Rome City Directory
1888 Georgia State Gazatteer
1890 Brunswick City Directory
1892 Brunswick City Directory
1898 Brunswick City Directory
1892 Darien City Directory
1892 St. Mary's City Directory
1892 St. Simon's Island City Directory
1898 St. Simon's Island City Directory
1941 Atlanta City Directory (part)
Rome City Directory 1883
Savannah 1898 City Directory
Savannah 1899 City Directory
St. Marys City Directory 1892
St. Simon's Island City Directory 1898Illinois
Illinois Families 9 pages. Genealogies and Notes, Inman family. By Jeannette Holland Austin.Kentucky
Kentucky Families by Jeannette Holland Austin, 20 pages. Genealogies and family notes...Callaway, Ligon of Morganfield, Love of Caldwell County,Moore of Christian County, Stice of Warren County, and Taylor.Maryland
Maryland Families. 45 pages. By Jeannette Holland Austin, 45 pp. Genealogies and family notes...Benton of Montgomery County, Billingslea of Cecil County, Compton of Frederick County, Compton of Charles County, Cooper, Evans of Prince George County, Hall of Prince George County, Hall of Somerset County, Howard of Ann Arundel County, Huff of Frederick County, Human, Kennerly of DOrcester County, Layfield of Somerset County, Moore of Anne Arundel County, Perkins of Harford County, Sherrill of Augusta County, Shockley of Somerset County, Spiers of Baltimore County, Spohn of Frederick County, Tull of Somerset County, Waller of Somerset County.Mississippi
Mississippi Familiesby Jeannette Holland Austin, 12 pages Genealogies and family notes...Boyett off Moss Point, Collins of Amite County, Day, Freeman of Jasper County, Hopkins, Lea, Miller of Simpson County.Missouri
Missouri Families By Jeannette Holland Austin, 16 pp. Genealogies and family notes...Stice of Boone County.New Jersey
New Jersey Families By Jeannette Holland Austin, 34 pp. Genealogies and family notes...Lowrance/Lorentz of Warren County.North Carolina
North Carolina Families. By Jeannette Holland Austin, 93 pp. Genealogies and family notes .... Adams of Beaufort County, Bankston of Rutherford County, Buckner or Rowan County, Callaway of Bertie County, Cannon of Chowan County, Coffey of Granville County, Collins, Compton of Orange County, Dickson of Caswell County, Durham of Orange County, Edmondson of Orange County, Edwards of Rutherford County, Etheredge of Edgecombe County, Evans of Cumberland County, Faulk, Fincher, Fort of Albemarle County, Freeman of Chowan County, Futch of Craven County, Gardner of Bertie County, Gay of Northampton County, Gilbert of Bertie County, Givens of Mecklenburg County, Gordon of Gates County, Harris of Montgomery and Granville Counties, Howard of Wilkes County, Huff of Rowan County, Inman of Rowan County, Jackson of Halifax County, James of Orange County, Jenkins of Bertie County, Jordan of Edgecombe County, Kimbrough of Caswell County, King of Northampton County, Lane of Halifax, Wake and Edgecombe Counties,Lavender of Jones County, Lea of Caswell County, Long of Burke County, Lowrence of Lincoln County, Malone of Granville County, Mason of Edgecombe County, McCorquodale of Sampson County, McMinn of Buncombe County, Mercer of Currituck County, New of Duplin County, Oliver, Parker of Duplin County and New Hanover County, Peacock of Wayne County, Peek of Buncombe County, Peavy of Orange County, Perkins of Burke County, Perry of Franklin County, Pollock of Craven County, Raiford of Anson County, Redmond of Macon County, Rountree of Craven County, Sherrill, Speaks of Iredell County, Speece of Iredell County, Standley of Guilford County, Stice of Tryon and Rutherford Counties, Tomlin of Perquimans County, Upton of Pasquotank County, Walker of Pitt County, Wells of Duplin County, Wester of Edgecombe County.
North Carolina-South Carolina Bible Records. 419 Bibles - 244 pages. By Jeannette Holland Austin. A collection of 419 Bibles from the 1920's and 1930's by owners who are not deceased. Some of them were submitted to me as a professional genealogist; others found in various records. Time period is pre-revolutionary war and mid 1800's.See Table of Contents for NamesPennylvania
Pennsylvania Families. By Jeannette Holland Austin, 45 pp. Genealogies and family notes...Bankston of Montgomery County, Castleberry of Germantown, Cunningham of Carlisle, Fincher of Chester County, Leitner/Lightner of Lancaster County, McCall of Cumberland County, Moon of Bucks County, Perkins of York County, Stice of Philadelphia and Spohn of Washington County, Pennsylvania.South Carolina
South Carolina Families By Jeannette Holland Austin, 64 pp. Genealogies and family notes .... Adams of Richland County, Anderson of Greenville County, Baker of Marion County, Blackstock of Greenville County, Cleveland, Collins of Kershaw County, Compton of Newberry County, Crenshaw of Laurens County, Dickson of York County, Gee of Georgetown, Godbold of Craven County, Gordon of Chester County, Guerry , Heath of Pendleton District, Human, Jackson of Edgefield County, Jay of Newberry County, Knighton of Fairfield County, Lightner of Newberry County, Love of Abbeville Counry, Mann of Berkley County, McCall of Cheraw District, Miles of Marion County, Miller of Lancaster County, Owens of Marion County, Page of Marion County, Pike of Charleston, Prince of Union County, Reeves of York County, Rumph of Orangeburg County, Seal of Fairfield County, Stegall of Pickens County, Strange of Spartanburg County, Surrency of Cheraw District, Whelchel of Cherokee County and Word of Laurens County.
North Carolina - South Carolina Bible Records by Jeannette Holland Austin, 244 pp. A collection of 419 Bibles from the 1920's and 1930's by owners who are not deceased. Some of them were submitted to me as a professional genealogist; others found in various records. Time period is pre-revolutionary war and mid 1800's.See Table of Contents for NamesTennessee
Tennessee Families By Jeannette Holland Austin, 14 pp. Genealogies and family notes .... Allen of Shelbyville, Campbell of Rhea County, Coffey, Fite of McMinn County, Inman of Jefferson County, New of Wilson County, Perdue of Montgomery County, Redmond of Washington County.Texas
Texas Families. By Jeannette Holland Austin, 3 pp. Genealogies and family notes .... Etheredge of Carthage; McCorquodale of Madison County; McMinn of Smith County, Moore of Paris, New of Goliad County, Tiller of Harrison County and Tucker of Kaufman.
Texas: A Brief Account of the Origin, Progress and Present State of the Colonial Settlements of Texas; Together with an Exposition. By William H. Wharton.Virginia
Henrico Parish Register, published 1932 in Virginia Historical Magazine
Vestry Book of Stratton Major Parish, King and Queen County, Virginia, 1729-1783 by C. G. Chamberlayne.
Virginia Families By Jeannette Holland Austin, 134 pp. Genealogies and family notes...Allen of AMelia County, Anderson of Kent County, Buckner of Brunswick County, Callaway, Cavender of Dinwiddie County, Chaffin of Prince Edward County, Coffey of Prince Edward County, Collins of Spotsylvania County, Conner of Norfolk County, Davis of Jamestown, Davis of Bedford County, Dickson of Lunenburg County, Dozier of Richmond County, Dukes of Prince George County, Dunn of James City County, Edmondson of Essex County, Eley of Nansemond County, Freeman of Surry County,Garnett of Essex County, Gay of Rockbridge County, Gordon of Middlesex and Spotsylvania Counties, Gordon of Nansemond County, Hansford of York County, Hardiman of Henrico and Charles City County, Harris of Charles City County, Harris of Isle of Wight County, Hatcher of Henrico County, Heath of Accomack County, Heath of Surry County, Inman, Johnson of Albemarle County, Jones of Frederick County, Jones of Williamsburgh, Kittrell, Lawson of Norfolk County, Lee of King and Queen County, Ligon of Henrico County, Littleton of Accomack and Northampton Counties, Lyddall of New Kent County, Madison of Spotsylvania County, Malone of Charles City County, Mercer of Lower Norfolk County, Mason of Surry County, Mills of Williamsburgh, Moon of Bedford County, Moore of Fauquier County, Muse of Westmoreland County, Nicholls of Norfolk County, Oliver of Charlotte County, Overton of Hanover County, Parker of Charles City, Nansemond, Isle of Wight counties, Peake of James City County, Peek of Pittsylvania County, Penley of Richmond County, Perkins, Perry of Isle of Wight County, Preston of Fincastle County, Raiford of Isle of Wight County, Redmond of Westmoreland County, Shepherd of Orange County, SHerrill of Frederick County,Shockley of Pittsylvania County, Standley of New Kent County, Taylor of New Kent County, Thornton of Gloucester County, Tiller of Culpepper County, Tucker of Sussex County, Tucker of Norfolk County,Voss of Spotsylvania County, Walton of Brunswick County, Watts of Prince WIlliam and Fauquier Counties, Whelchel of Albemarle County, Withers of Stafford County, Woodson of Prince George County,Wynne of Charles City County.
Virginia Bible Records By Jeannette Holland Austin., 394 pp. 487 bibles. Collection of 487 bible records. See surnamesGeneral
Confederate Dead Database. 2,645 pages. By Jeannette Holland Austin. A compilation of 23,350 confederate soldiers, from obituaries and cemeteries, including many major National cemeteries. Listed alphabetically for easy finger-tip reference. Includes births and deaths, regiment, rank, where buried, obituaries, names of widows, children, parents, place of residence, battlesSee NamesA History of the Moravian by Joseph Edmund Hutton
A Short History of Scotland by Andrew Lang
A Sketch of the History of Oneonta by Dudley M. Campbell
American Prisoners of the Revolution By Danske Dandridge.
American Merchant Ships and Sailors by Willis J. Abbot
An Account of Sa-Go-Ye-Wat-Ha, or Red Jacket, and His People, 1750-1830 by John Niles Hubbard,
An Illustrated History of Ireland from AD 400 to 1800 By Mary Frances Cusack
Boot Hill Cemetery, a list of burials
Chesterfield's Letters by Lord Chesterfield. Letters, Sentences and Maxims. Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, 1694-1773, had a fate generally misunderstood. Dr. Johnson, a poor scholar but in the prime of life, seems to have mistaken a delay in an interview, and to have abused his lordship very soundly ever afterward. To this misconception we owe one of the finest and manliest letters ever written. Mrs. Eugenia Stanhope, the widow of the recipient of these letters, sold them, enhanced in value from the earl's literary reputation, for 1,500 pounds! That was an immense sum in those days. Published 1894 in Philadelphia, 307 pp., indexed. A rare find indeed!
First Whiteman of the West: Daniel Boone
History of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan
Hochelagans and Mohawks: A Link in Iroquois History by W. D. Lighthall.
Lewis and Clark.
Legends, Traditions and Laws of the Iroquois, or Six Nations, and History of Tuscarora Indian by Elias Johnson.
The Mayflower and Her Long 1620-1621 By Azel Ames. Log from July 15, 1620 to May 6, 1621.
The Women Who Came in the Mayflower By Annie Russell Marble.
The Magna Carta By Unknown Author.
The Manual of Heraldry. Unknown author. 5th Edition.
The Minute Boys of the Mohawk Valley by James Otis The Oregon Trail: sketches of prairie and Rocky-Mountain life by Francis Parkman.
Victoria. Queen and Empress by Robert C. V. Meyers.
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